Town Hall Roundtable

Date: Monday, July 13, 2020
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Virtual Call (instructions to join will be sent the day of the event)

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The National Association of Estate Planners & Councils is here to support your council and its board of directors in these changing times. 

Join us for an upcoming hour-long Town Hall Roundtable to have your questions about council operations during COVID-19 answered by both councils and the national staff team and to hear brief updates from the national leadership.  The June and July events are a continuation of the May series so feel free to register, even if you have previously attended a session.

Sessions will be limited in size, but additional dates and times will be added if interest dictates.  Please register by close of business the day prior to the event. 

Instructions to join the program will be emailed to all registrants the morning of the Town Hall Roundtable.


See Upcoming Event Calendar