Regional Leadership Day
" Last Chance" Conference

Date: Friday, October 16, 2020
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Zoom Meeting

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This conference is taking place from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern Time.

Regional Council Leadership Day is typically a learning and sharing experience for volunteer leaders and executives from estate planning councils within the same geographic region, but this year the conference is being offered virtually - your council will have the benefit of interacting with those from across the country who share a single mission: helping their council thrive! 

While the prior conferences have been two days, this program is a special "last chance" opportunity that will take place during three hours on a single day.

At this event we'll address important topics like membership growth and retention, welcoming & onboarding new members, qualifications for membership, engaged leadership, programming, and diversity / equity / inclusion.

Regional programs are open to all estate planning councils and each council is encouraged to send multiple officers and the council executive / administrator. 

Please take special care to answer all of the questions when registering. Your input will help us craft an agenda that meets your needs and provides a valuable experience.  Final details will be emailed prior to the event, including the instructions to access the program.

View the notes from prior years at   



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