Council Executive / Administrator Development & Website Feedback Session

Date: Thursday, September 9, 2021
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Zoom

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This event takes place from 3:00 pm ET - 5:00 pm ET.

This is a special virtual session for council executives (paid staff) only and will provide an opportunity to connect with the network of council executives and colleagues within the association management profession while addressing important topics like business matters unrelated to your council, technology platforms, engaging your leadership, your council's response to COVID-19, etc.  Our webmaster will also be on-hand to hear feedback on your NAEPC-hosted website. (This is an optional portion of the program at the conclusion of the event - those that do not have a website hosted by NAEPC are welcome to stay on and learn more about NAEPCs website solutions if they wish.)

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