Council Executive / Administrator Session
The Doctor is In:
Addressing Tough Contracting Clauses for Conferences & Events

Date: Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm

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This event takes place from 4:00 pm ET - 5:00 pm ET.

The world of meetings and events has been turned upside down over the last several years.  While the pandemic is now behind us, the booking and contracting component of meeting planning has become more difficult than ever with no end in sight. 

Things like overall availability (or the willingness of a venue to commit space), new and somewhat “inventive” contracting terms, lack of flexibility with more traditional contracting language, a fear of being cancelled if a larger piece of business walks in the door (it's happening!), less seasoned employees in more advanced roles, and staff turnover has all contributed to the perfect storm of frustration and challenging relationships.

Attend this session to address these challenges together, diving in to specific contracting language, sharing and learning best practices that have helped ease some of these burdens… with a few horror stories thrown in for good measure! 

Your network of association executive doctors is in for the hour... let's talk!

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