Regional Leadership Day: Tampa, Florida

Date: Friday, June 27, 2025
Time: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Location: Tampa Airport Marriott - 4200 George J Bean Pkwy., Tampa, FL 33607

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Join us in the "Cigar City" for Regional Leadership Day 2025.  Regional Leadership Day is a learning and sharing experience for volunteer leaders and staff executives from estate planning councils within the same geographic region.   The day will include information on NAEPC programs and services but will focus primary on sharing sessions for the topics that you tell us are important to your council:  membership growth and retention social media & AI, creating a welcoming membership experience, sponsorship, operational struggles, running effective leadership meetings, preparing compelling event announcements, and the like.  Lunch will be provided and will include a special guest speaker.  Attendance will equip those in attendance with new ideas and initiatives to take back to their local council.

While most attendees will be from the area nearest the conference, regional programs are open to all estate planning councils and participation from those outside the immediate area is encouraged. 

Registration is requested by Friday, June 20, 2025.  Those who register and are unable to attend are asked to cancel via email to on or before Friday, June 20, 2025.




Laurie Valentine, JD, currently serves as Counsel, Philanthropic Giving for Community Foundation Tampa Bay (CFTB). She works with donors and their professional advisors on options for accomplishing the donor’s charitable giving goals for both lifetime giving and giving at death. She also provides legal guidance to CFTB leadership and staff to ensure all charitable gift documentation reflects not only donor intentions but can also be effectively managed and implemented by CFTB. Prior to joining CFTB in July 2022, Laurie was in private law practice in St. Petersburg, Florida (1982-1994) and (2017–2022) practicing in the areas of estate planning, business succession planning, charitable gift planning, and probate and trust administration.  In between her years in private practice, she served 23 years as Trust Counsel and Chief Operating Officer for the Kentucky Baptist Foundation in Louisville, Kentucky (1994-2017). Laurie received her BA in Speech Pathology from the University of Florida and her JD from the Levin College of Law at University of Florida. She grew up in the Tampa Bay area and currently resides in St. Petersburg.

Laurie will provide us with a special presentation titled “Encouraging the Spirit of Volunteerism: How to Attract and Retain Good EPC Board Members”.


A block of rooms has been reserved at Tampa Airport Marriott for Regional Leadership Day attendees.  The room rate is $195 / night plus applicable taxes and fees.  Reservations must be made by May 30, 2025.  Click HERE to reserve your room.  Please contact NAEPC if you have any trouble during the booking process.




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