AEP® and EPLS Forum
An Estate Planning Case Study

Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Virtual

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This event takes places from 4:00 pm ET - 5:00 pm ET.
Active Accredited Estate Planner designees and Estate Planning Law Specialist Certificants only, please.

Details of the Case Study
Teresa and James Jefferson are a married but estranged couple, and Teresa has recently passed. This couple has several unique circumstances, including but not limited to Annie, a special needs child from Teresa's first marriage, a dog named Toby, joint tenancy of a five-acre ranch in a prime development area, the estate of Teresa's recently deceased mother, and James' struggles with early stages of dementia. 

This session will include small, multi-disciplinary breakout sessions during which attendees will use their knowlege and problem-solving skills to address key questions related to the fact patttern. 

Continuing Education Credit
​Attending the entire program qualifies for one hour of continuing education credit for your Accredited Estate Planner® designation.

A recording of this session will be available following the program in the private AEP®  Portal.

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